
Tuesday, 16 February 2016

YouthToEarn.com website is a scam

For today's post, I would like to share to you guys about a website that I once thought would give me a huge amount of money. Yes.. It is the YouthToEarn program that required the user to spread the link given. Each unique visitor that visit our link will make us paid for $5. Damnnn, thats a good price dude!! But you know, I'm also one of the victim. At first, I saw someone post like this on the facebook:

'Are you a student who wants to add daily money? unemployed? always use the internet? Want to generate income of $ 300 a day? It is FREE ... Nothing fees apply (if you think the program is cheating, you do not lose anything because there is no modal spent). You only need to open the link below and register. You will earn the money as much as $ 20 once you click the link. Once you get the link, copy my sentence till the end..paste to Facebook, Twitter, whatssap and so on. Everyone who opens your link, you get paid. EASY right ??. REMEMBER !!! You do not lose anything. Click the link below ... This not just help yourself, but even be able to help your family. If you do not believe this, just join first and see how. Click this link for more information ... http://YouthToEarn.com/?ref=260321'

I was like 'damn are you fucking kidding me?' You know, there's not much job hear what we need to do is to promote their link and we get paid with a high price. Thats it!! So I clicked the link above and the following page showed up:
After I click signup I get redirected here:
If you guys see it, there's a PayPal icon located on top right of the page. But they didn't even ask for our PayPal address and only ask for our home address for them to deliver the cheque. But I didn't think any of that at that time. What I think about is only the cash that I'll rewarded later..Hahaha. Lazy dumbass.

So I've registered for that website and start promoting my link like sick fucking retarded person. I've seen some people already said that it's a scam. I didn't give a fuck to them and think that 'they don't know what I got. MUAHAHAHAHA'... So I continue spreading YouthToEarn link and already credited for it
So this is my snapshot of Youthtoearn home. Look, I've already earn $950 in only 4 days!! Holymotherfucker!! but you know, I already got a problem after that. They ask me to do a survey in order for the to deliver my cheque to me. I entered the survey site:
and went here. As you see, They giving you a few option of task to be solved. And you know what? All of them are nonsense. I doing some research on how to solve the survey and finally found out that this youthtoearn website is a scammer website that used by some irresponsible company or person to generate traffic on their website with your effort. They promised to give you a cut of their money but what they did is giving you a task that is impossible to be solved and make you give up.

That's it. I learnt from my mistake and wish that non of you tricked by this. If you see an ad or something similar like this that is 'too good to be true', well I can't say that is wrong. Sometimes they maybe right, but make sure you do some research about that, and not after you get tricked just like me!! what a useless effort....

P/S: here are some other site that look just like this program, which all of them no other scammer!
: -paid4click


  1. To check whether a site is legit usually, I do follow a simple checklist to see how well they do.

    1) Use WhoisXY.com to check the whois information and check whether the contact information matches with the one in the website.
    2) In the domain contact details, is there a valid email address.
    3) Is there a valid phone number visible, and does it work ?
    4) Go through review about them using Unmaskparasites.com and check whether they are scam free.

  2. Get daily suggestions and methods for making $1,000s per day ONLINE for FREE.
